Friday, April 8, 2016

Sobe Elixir Drinks

Today is all about Sobe which I heard was short for South Beach Diet but I find that doubtful since these drinks are packed with sugar averaging at 60g of sugar that's about 3 cupcakes...I know it sounds like I'm bashing right now but I'm not I love these beverages they are so good and they have some minor noticeable benefits if you can look past the high sugar content and it being 250-350 a bottle. If you ever drink Monster or Starbucks energy shots which their milky mocha or vanilla bean flavors then this drink makes them look bad.

Firstly let's talk about the nutritional facts: (example used is Strawberry Banana)
Sugar- 60g pretty high since daily intake should be 95g of sugar a day.
Sodium- 75mg is actually pretty good for something that taste as sweet as nectar.
Carbs- 62g is a bit high but not horrible considering on average for daily intake is 325g.
Vitamin C- 100%
Calcium- 6%
Ginseng- A good energy booster, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, stress and is said to even help cure or prevent diabetes.
Yerba Mate- Keeps you alert and suppresses your appetite on top of that its loaded with vitamins and minerals for a massive energy boost with tons of other health benefits.

This drink is mostly carbs which isn't always bad some carbs are good this drink above is ranked C+ on most calorie counter sites it does however contain good things that someone like me who walks a lot gets to consume. I give this drink a good 4.5/5 for health and 5/5 for taste.

For you sugar Nazis this drink might not be for you but for those of you who can look past the sugar you'll love the other amazing benefits that are contained inside this beverage and don't forget to try their Green Tea it's one of my favorites with 10g less sugar and 20g less sodium than the drink above and the same benefits with an added bonus of Rose Hips and Guarana it can't be beat as an at work drink or on a long walk trot. I don't recommend having any more than 3-4 a day if you exercise but if you don't probably even less but that's said for any drink like these Fuze is another great alternative that has 5x the benefits these Sobe Elixirs have!

Check out the website for Sobe and find your flavor!
Sobe products

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